

Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
base-pricebooleanOptionalDetermines whether the given price should be considered as the base price for currency conversion calculations.
currencystringOptionalCurrency code (ISO 4217).
See Currency codes.
amountdecimalOptionalPrice of the SKU (contract).

For a 'one-time-charge' policy, you can enter a $0.00 amount. The sum $0.00 is intended for free or promotional items.

For all recurring charges or subscription type charge-policies, the amount must be greater than $1.00 (this is relevant for all currencies).


Property NameTypeDescription
base-pricebooleanDetermines whether the given price should be considered as the base price for currency conversion calculations.
currencystringCurrency code (ISO 4217).
See Currency codes.
amountdecimalPrice of the SKU (contract).

For a 'one-time-charge' policy, you can enter a $0.00 amount. The sum $0.00 is intended for free or promotional items.

For all recurring charges or subscription type charge-policies, the amount must be greater than $1.00 (this is relevant for all currencies).