Create Debit Agreement

for Australia and Canada


This API can be used with BECS Direct Debit and Pre-Authorized Debit. Both are currently in Beta. Please reach out to BlueSnap Merchant Support to enable those payment methods.

The Create Debit Agreement request should generate a new mandate.

Try it in the API Explorer

Request Content

Enter the region and type path parameters into the web service URL, in the format:

For example:

Next, add any query parameters you choose.

For example:

Response Details

If successful, the response HTTP status code is 200 OK and will contain the agreement text.


Request Examples

curl -v -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '
curl -v -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '

Response Examples

    "region": "Canada",
    "debitType": "ONETIME",
    "agreementName": "Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement",
    "agreementId": 523,
    "agreementText": "I / we authorize onboardingDefault to debit the bank account I / we have identified on any future purchase that I / we make. \nThe amount debited should equal the checkout amount. \nonboardingDefault is not required to get my / our authorization for any future sporadic debit. \n\nI / we may revoke this authority at any time, subject to providing notice of (30 days). \nTo obtain a sample cancellation form, or for more information on my right to cancel a PAD Agreement, I may contact my financial institution or visit \n\nonboardingDefault \n303 Wyman Street, Suite 300  \nCampbell, United States 02451 \nTel: +1 (866) 312-7733\nEmail: [email protected]\n\nI have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement for example, I have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not consistent with this PAD Agreement.  \nTo obtain more information on my recourse rights, I may contact my financial institution or visit  \n\nI authorize BlueSnap, Inc to process payments on behalf of onboardingDefault.",
    "status": "UNUSED"
    "region": "Canada",
    "debitType": "RECURRING",
    "agreementName": "Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement",
    "agreementId": 1069,
    "agreementText": "I / we authorize Best Shop Ever to debit the bank account I / we have identified as per my instructions on the regular recurring payments for payments arising under my / our account.   

I will be debited 23.85 USD on the 26th every 2 months (or around that day if it is not a business day).

I / we may revoke this authority at any time, subject to providing notice of (30 days).

To obtain a sample cancellation form, or for more information on my right to cancel a PAD Agreement, I may contact my financial institution or visit 

I/ we waive our right to receive pre-notification of the amount of the PAD and agreed that I/we do not require advance notice of the amount of PADs before the debit is processed.  

Best Shop Ever

Apartment 10F 300 East 56 St  

New York, United States 10022  

Tel: +1-212-552-0482

Email: [email protected] 

I have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement for example, I have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not consistent with this PAD Agreement.  

To obtain more information on my recourse rights, I may contact my financial institution or visit  

I authorize BlueSnap, Inc to process payments on behalf of Best Shop Ever.",
    "status": "UNUSED"

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Example Descriptions

For details about the above examples, see:

Create Debit Agreement

This example shows a Create Debit Agreement request that contains the path params: region and type.

With planid and overriderecurringchargeamount

This example shows a Create Debit Agreement request that contains the path parameters: region and type and the query parameters: planid and overriderecurringchargeamount.

API Explorer

To test a call, enter region and type into the available fields. This automatically inserts the ID into the request URL. You can use the use the values from the examples above as a as a starting point. Click Try It when you're ready to run your request.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!