
Retrieve is a request that gets details about a past transaction, such as the transaction type, amount, cardholder or vaulted shopper, credit card, processing info, and so on.

Note: If you are using the API + Hosted Page Hybrid solution, this can also return transactions created in Hosted Payment Pages.

Try it in the API Explorer

Request Content

No content is required in the request body. Enter the relevant IDs in the request URL, as follows:

Retrieve based on Transaction ID
Enter the transactionId into the web service URL, in the format:

For example:

Retrieve based on Merchant Transaction ID and Merchant ID
Enter the merchantTransactionId and merchantId into the web service URL, in the format:

For example:

Response Details

If successful, the response HTTP status code is 200 OK.
The response contains the retrieved cardTransaction object.
If you passed metadata in the original transaction request, this metadata will also be retrieved.


Request Examples

curl -v -X GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '
curl -v -X GET,456 \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '

Response Examples

  "cardTransactionType": "AUTH_CAPTURE",
  "transactionId": "1035512245",
  "softDescriptor": "BLS*DescTest",
  "amount": 11,
  "usdAmount": 11,
  "openToCapture": 0,
  "currency": "USD",
  "transactionApprovalDate": "09/29/2020",
  "transactionApprovalTime": "14:00:16",
  "cardHolderInfo": {
    "firstName": "test first name",
    "lastName": "test last name",
    "zip": "02453"
  "vaultedShopperId": 28855619,
  "creditCard": {
    "cardLastFourDigits": "9299",
    "cardType": "VISA",
    "cardSubType": "CREDIT",
    "cardCategory": "PLATINUM",
    "binCategory": "CONSUMER",
    "cardRegulated": "N",
    "issuingBank": "ALLIED IRISH BANKS PLC",
    "issuingCountryCode": "ie"
  "processingInfo": {
    "processingStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "cvvResponseCode": "MA",
    "authorizationCode": "02453",
    "avsResponseCodeZip": "U",
    "avsResponseCodeAddress": "U",
    "avsResponseCodeName": "U"
  "cardTransactionType": "AUTH_CAPTURE",
  "transactionId": "1035512711",
  "softDescriptor": "BLS*DescTest",
  "amount": 11,
  "usdAmount": 11,
  "openToCapture": 0,
  "currency": "USD",
  "transactionApprovalDate": "09/29/2020",
  "transactionApprovalTime": "14:02:13",
  "cardHolderInfo": {
    "firstName": "test first name",
    "lastName": "test last name",
    "zip": "02453"
  "vaultedShopperId": 28855625,
  "creditCard": {
    "cardLastFourDigits": "9299",
    "cardType": "VISA",
    "cardSubType": "CREDIT",
    "cardCategory": "PLATINUM",
    "binCategory": "CONSUMER",
    "cardRegulated": "N",
    "issuingBank": "ALLIED IRISH BANKS PLC",
    "issuingCountryCode": "ie"
  "transactionMetaData": {
    "metaData": [
        "metaKey": "shippingAmount",
        "metaValue": "10",
        "metaDescription": "Shipping Amount"
        "metaKey": "cityTaxAmount",
        "metaValue": "20",
        "metaDescription": "City Tax Amount"
        "metaKey": "stateTaxAmount",
        "metaValue": "20",
        "metaDescription": "State Tax Amount"
  "processingInfo": {
    "processingStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "cvvResponseCode": "MA",
    "authorizationCode": "02453",
    "avsResponseCodeZip": "U",
    "avsResponseCodeAddress": "U",
    "avsResponseCodeName": "U"
  "cardTransactionType": "REFUND",
  "merchantTransactionId": "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
  "transactionId": "38417916",
  "softDescriptor": "BLS*DescTest1234567",
  "amount": 99.99,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "usdAmount": 117.43,
  "transactionApprovalDate": "09/29/2020",
  "transactionApprovalTime": "13:08:47",
  "cardHolderInfo": {
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "country": "fr",
    "zip": "756543",
    "phone": "1413555666"
  "vaultedShopperId": 19490030,
  "creditCard": {
    "cardLastFourDigits": "1111",
    "cardType": "VISA"
  "processingInfo": {
    "processingStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "avsResponseCodeZip": "U",
    "avsResponseCodeAddress": "U",
    "avsResponseCodeName": "U"
  "refunds": {
    "refund": [
        "amount": 55.55,
        "currency": "EUR",
        "date": "2020-09-30"
        "amount": 44.44,
        "currency": "EUR",
        "date": "2030-10-13"
  "amount": 11,
  "usdAmount": 11,
  "currency": "USD",
  "transactionApprovalDate": "09/29/2020",
  "transactionApprovalTime": "13:08:47",
  "vaultedShopperId": 1234,
  "vendorinfo": {
    "vendorId": 397808,
    "commissionPercent": 30
  "merchantTransactionId": 3,
  "processingInfo": {
    "avsResponseCodeAddress": "U",
    "processingStatus": "success",
    "cvvResponseCode": "ND",
    "avsResponseCodeName": "U",
    "avsResponseCodeZip": "U"
  "softDescriptor": "BLS*DescTest",
  "cardHolderInfo": {
    "firstName": "test first name",
    "lastName": "test last name",
    "zip": "02453"
  "creditCard": {
    "cardLastFourDigits": "0026",
    "cardSubType": "CREDIT",
    "cardType": "VISA"
  "cardTransactionType": "AUTH_ONLY",
  "transactionId": 1011582369

Example Descriptions

Retrieve based on Transaction ID

This is a retrieval based on the transactionId, which is the ID of the relevant transaction (received in the response for the original transaction).

Retrieve based on Merchant Transaction ID and Merchant ID

This is a retrieval based on the merchantTransactionId and merchantId. It is applicable to merchants who pass their own Merchant Transaction IDs with each transaction.

Response for transaction with refunds

If one or more refunds (including partial refunds) have been applied to the transaction, the cardTransactionType value will be REFUND. The refund details appear in the refunds object.

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API Explorer (for request based on Transaction ID)

To test out a call, enter an existing transaction ID (e.g. 1011582369) in the transactionId field. This will automatically insert the ID into the request URL. Leave the Body Content field empty.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!