
Contains metadata keys and values


Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
meta-keystringOptionalKey name of transaction metadata.
40 characters max.
meta-valuestringOptionalValue of transaction metadata.
500 characters max.
meta-descriptionstringOptionalDescription of transaction metadata.
40 characters max.
is-visiblebooleanOptionalProperty controlling whether the transaction metadata is visible in the invoice (true) or hidden (false).
Possible values: true, false
Default: false


Property NameTypeDescription
meta-keystringKey name of transaction metadata.
40 characters max.
meta-valuestringValue of transaction metadata.
500 characters max.
meta-descriptionstringDescription of transaction metadata.
40 characters max.
is-visiblebooleanProperty controlling whether the transaction metadata is visible in the invoice (true) or hidden (false).
Possible values: true, false
Default: false