
Contains SEPA Direct Debit account details & billing info for vaulted shoppers


Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
billing-contact-infocontainerOptionalContainer of billing-contact-info properties.
sepa-direct-debitcontainerRequiredContainer of sepa-direct-debit properties.
statusstringOptionalEnter D to delete the SEPA from the shopper.

Note:Specify the SEPA to be deleted by including iban-first-four and iban-last-four.


Property NameTypeDescription
billing-contact-infocontainerContainer of billing-contact-info properties.
sepa-direct-debitcontainerContainer of sepa-direct-debit properties.
date-createdstringThe date the payment method was saved to the vaulted shopper.
time-createdstringThe time (PST) the payment method was saved to the vaulted shopper.