

Property NameTypeDescription
cardLastFourDigitsstringLast four digits of the credit card.
cardTypestringCredit card type.
cardSubTypestringCard sub-type, such as Credit or Debit
cardCategorystringCard category, such as business or prepaid.
Appears only if relevant.
binCategorystringIndicates whether the card is used for business expenses (Commercial) or personal expenses (Consumer).
binNumberstringThe Bank Identification Number (BIN) on the customer's payment card. This is the first 4 to 6 digits of the credit card number and is used to identify the institution that issued the card.
cardRegulatedstringIndicates whether the card is regulated.

issuingBankstringThe bank that issued the shopper's card.
issuingCountryCodestringCountry code of the shopper's issuing bank.
dpanExpirationMonthstringExpiration month of the device account number.
dpanExpirationYearstringExpiration year of the device account number.
dpanLastFourDigitsstringLast four digits of device account number.