Create SEPA DD Transaction

The Create SEPA DD Transaction request performs a transaction (purchase) using the SEPA Direct Debit payment method. Note that the shopper's account is not immediately debited - it takes about 5 to 6 business days for the shopper's bank to approve the charge and for their account to be debited.

For more information, see the SEPA Direct Debit guide.


Prerequisite: Have SEPA enabled for your account

Contact Merchant Support to have SEPA Direct Debit enabled for your account.

Try it in the API Explorer

Request Content

Send an altTransaction object, with the following:

      merchantTransactionId     string    optional
     softDescriptor     string    optional
     amount     decimal    required
     currency     string    required   value must be EUR
     taxReference     string    optional
     country     string    optional
     vendorsInfo object    required if using marketplace vendor(s) (see vendorsInfo)
     payerInfo     object    required if vaultedShopperId is not sent (see payerInfo)
     vaultedShopperId     integer    required if payerInfo is not sent
     sepaDirectDebitTransaction     object    required (see sepaDirectDebitTransaction)
     authorizedByShopper     boolean    required   value must be true
     transactionMetaData     object    optional (see transactionMetaData)
     transactionFraudInfo     object    optional (see transactionFraudInfo)

Response Details

If successful, the response HTTP status code is 200 OK.
The response contains the request properties plus these additions:

     processingInfo   (see processingInfo)
     fraudResultInfo   (see fraudResultInfo)


Request Examples

curl -v -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '
  "sepaDirectDebitTransaction": {
      "iban": "DE09100100101234567893"
  "payerInfo": {
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe"
  "amount": 9.65,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "country": "FR",
  "softDescriptor": "ABC COMPANY",
  "authorizedByShopper": true
curl -v -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '
  "sepaDirectDebitTransaction": {}, 
  "vaultedShopperId": 21786355,
  "amount": 9.65,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "country": "FR",
  "softDescriptor": "ABC COMPANY",
  "authorizedByShopper": true
curl -v -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '
  "sepaDirectDebitTransaction": {
        "ibanFirstFour": "DE09",
        "ibanLastFour": "7893"
  "vaultedShopperId": "21781965",
  "amount": 9.65,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "country": "FR",
  "softDescriptor": "ABC COMPANY",
  "authorizedByShopper": true
curl -v -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '
  "sepaDirectDebitTransaction": {
      "iban": "DE09100100101234567893"
  "payerInfo": {
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe"
  "amount": 12.65,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "country": "FR",
  "taxReference": "048deff0-a285-47e1-bc39-42f79bf0095b",
  "softDescriptor": "ABC COMPANY",
  "authorizedByShopper": true
curl -v -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '
  "transactionOrderSource": "MOTO",
  "sepaDirectDebitTransaction": {
      "iban": "DE09100100101234567893"
  "payerInfo": {
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe"
  "amount": 9.65,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "country": "FR",
  "softDescriptor": "ABC COMPANY",
  "authorizedByShopper": true

Response Examples

    "transactionId": "1011183521",
    "softDescriptor": "ABC COMPANY",
    "amount": 9.65,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "payerInfo": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe"
    "vaultedShopperId": 21781957,
    "sepaDirectDebitTransaction": {
        "ibanFirstFour": "DE09",
        "ibanLastFour": "7893",
        "mandateId": "Ooo153451",
        "mandateDate": "21-Jul-17",
        "preNotificationText": "The amount of 9.65 EUR will be collected using SEPA Direct Debit with Mandate Ooo153451 from your bank account IBAN DE09XXXXXX7891 in the next few days. Please ensure sufficient funds in your account.",
        "preNotificationTranslationRef": ""
    "processingInfo": {
        "processingStatus": "PENDING"
    "transactionId": "1011189089",
    "softDescriptor": "ABC COMPANY",
    "amount": 9.65,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "vaultedShopperId": 21786355,
    "sepaDirectDebitTransaction": {
        "ibanFirstFour": "DE09",
        "ibanLastFour": "7893",
        "mandateId": "Ooo153465",
        "mandateDate": "21-Jul-17",
        "preNotificationText": "The amount of 9.65 EUR will be collected using SEPA Direct Debit with Mandate Ooo153465 from your bank account IBAN DE09XXXXXX7891 in the next few days. Please ensure sufficient funds in your account.",
        "preNotificationTranslationRef": ""
    "processingInfo": {
        "processingStatus": "PENDING"
    "transactionId": "1011188517",
    "softDescriptor": "ABC COMPANY",
    "amount": 9.65,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "vaultedShopperId": 21781965,
    "sepaDirectDebitTransaction": {
        "ibanFirstFour": "DE09",
        "ibanLastFour": "7893",
        "mandateId": "Ooo153463",
        "mandateDate": "21-Jul-17",
        "preNotificationText": "The amount of 9.65 EUR will be collected using SEPA Direct Debit with Mandate Ooo153463 from your bank account IBAN DE09XXXXXX7891 in the next few days. Please ensure sufficient funds in your account.",
        "preNotificationTranslationRef": ""
    "processingInfo": {
        "processingStatus": "PENDING"
    "transactionId": "1011183521",
    "softDescriptor": "ABC COMPANY",
    "amount": 12.65,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "taxReference": "048deff0-a285-47e1-bc39-42f79bf0095b",
    "payerInfo": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe"
    "vaultedShopperId": 21781957,
    "sepaDirectDebitTransaction": {
        "ibanFirstFour": "DE09",
        "ibanLastFour": "7893",
        "mandateId": "Ooo153451",
        "mandateDate": "21-Jul-17",
        "preNotificationText": "The amount of 12.65 EUR will be collected using SEPA Direct Debit with Mandate Ooo153451 from your bank account IBAN DE09XXXXXX7891 in the next few days. Please ensure sufficient funds in your account.",
        "preNotificationTranslationRef": ""
    "processingInfo": {
        "processingStatus": "PENDING"
    "transactionId": "1066353551",
    "softDescriptor": "ABC COMPANY",
    "amount": 9.65,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "payerInfo": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe"
    "vaultedShopperId": 37729727,
    "sepaDirectDebitTransaction": {
        "ibanFirstFour": "DE09",
        "ibanLastFour": "7893",
        "mandateId": "Blu314913",
        "mandateDate": "11-Aug-22",
        "preNotificationText": "The amount of 9.65 EUR will be collected using SEPA Direct Debit with Mandate Blu314913 from your bank account IBAN DE09XXXXXX7893 in the next few days. Please ensure sufficient funds in your account.",
        "preNotificationTranslationRef": ""
    "processingInfo": {
        "processingStatus": "PENDING"
    "fraudResultInfo": {}

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Example Descriptions

For details about the above examples, see:

Create basic SEPA DD Transaction with payer info

This example shows a basic Create SEPA DD Transaction request with a new shopper. For all SEPA DD transactions, include the authorizedByShopper property with the value set to true to indicate that you have obtained the shopper's mandate acceptance.

A successful response from BlueSnap includes a mandateId and mandateDate, whose values identify the shopper's mandate acceptance and the date on which the mandate was accepted, respectively. These two values must be displayed on the post-checkout page, the pre-notification email, and the receipt email.

Additionally, the response contains:

  • preNotificationText — the standard text (in English) that you must display in the pre-notification email
  • preNotificationTranslationRefGet Pre-Notification Text endpoint to obtain text in another language.

Create SEPA DD Transaction with vaulted shopper with one saved account

To perform a Create SEPA DD Transaction with an existing vaulted shopper with one saved bank account, you include the vaultedShopperId property within the altTransaction object in your request. The sepaDirectDebitTransaction property can be left empty, as shown in the example.

Create SEPA DD Transaction with vaulted shopper with multiple saved accounts

To perform a Create SEPA DD Transaction request with an existing vaulted shopper with multiple saved bank accounts, you include the vaultedShopperId property within the altTransaction object in your request. Additionally, you specify the shopper's bank account by including ibanFirstFour and ibanLastFour within the sebaDirectDebitTransaction property.

The above example includes an existing vaulted shopper with ID 21781965, and their bank account is specified by the first four characters (DE09) and last four characters (7893) of the IBAN.

Create ECP transaction with MOTO

This example shows a SEPA DD Transaction request with MOTO. MOTO is passed as an indication that the transaction was done on behalf of the shopper, like with a phone order.

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API Explorer

To test out a call, enter the request content below and then click Try it!

Tip: Use the JSON code below as a starting point. You can enter different parameters to see how your test scenario would work. The request headers, including authorization, are already built in for you in this test area, so you should not include them here.

  "sepaDirectDebitTransaction": {
      "iban": "DE09100100101234567893"
  "payerInfo": {
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe"
  "amount": 9.65,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "softDescriptor": "ABC COMPANY",
  "authorizedByShopper": true
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!