
Contains refund details


Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
amountdecimalOptionalAmount to be refunded, if this is a partial refund.

Value must be greater than 0 and must not exceed the total transaction amount.
taxAmountdecimalOptionalTax amount to be refunded, if this is a partial refund. Remember to also specify the total refund amount (including tax) in the amount parameter. See the Taxes guide for more details.
reasonstringOptionalReason the shopper cancelled or requested a refund for the order.

Default value is "Per your instructions".

Maximum 4000 characters.
cancelSubscriptionsbooleanOptionalWhether to cancel the subscription associated with the transaction ID.

true (default) - Cancel the subscription and refund the charge
false - Do not cancel the subscription. Just refund the charge.
vendorsRefundInfoobjectOptionalOnly applicable to partial refunds (if amount was passed). Contains the details about the Marketplace vendors' portion of the refund.

See vendorsRefundInfo.
transactionMetaDataobjectOptionalSee transactionMetaData.


Property NameTypeDescription
amountdecimalRefund amount, positive value.
taxAmountdecimalThe tax amount that was refunded.
currencystringCurrency of refund amount.
datestringRefund date.
refundTransactionIdintegerBlueSnap identifier for the refund.
vendorAmountdecimalThe total vendor portion of the refund amount. Only available if one or more vendor IDs were included in original transaction.
vendorsRefundInfoobjectSee vendorsRefundInfo.
transactionMetaDataobjectSee transactionMetaData.
reasonstringReason the shopper cancelled or requested a refund for the order.
cancelSubscriptionsbooleanWhether to cancel the subscription associated with the transaction ID.