The credit-card
resource contains the details for a specific credit card, such as the card number and expiration date. It includes the following properties:
Property Name | Type | Required | Description |
card-number | string | Required, if encrypted-card-number is not sent. | Credit card number. For example: 4111111111111111 4111-1111-1111-1111 * 4111 1111 1111 1111 |
encrypted-card-number | string | Required, if card-number is not sent. | Encrypted credit card number. |
card-last-four-digits | string | Optional | Last four digits of the credit card. |
card-type | string | Optional, if sending card-number or encrypted-card-number .Note: If you do not send the card-type , BlueSnap will automatically identify the type based on the number. If you do send a card type but BlueSnap identifies that the card is a different type, the transaction will fail. You can check the card type for a specific number using the Retrieve Card Info request. | Credit card type. |
expiration-month | integer | Required | Credit card expiration month. |
expiration-year | integer | Required | Credit card expiration year. |
security-code | string | Optional, but strongly recommended for first-time charges. | Credit card security code. |
encrypted-security-code | string | Optional, but strongly recommended for first-time charges. | Encrypted credit card security code. |
Property Name | Type | Description |
card-last-four-digits | string | Last four digits of the credit card. |
card-type | string | Credit card type. |
card-sub-type | string | Card sub-type, such as Credit or Debit. |
expiration-month | integer | Credit card expiration month. |
expiration-year | integer | Credit card expiration year. |
issue-number | string | Issue number on the credit card. |