wallet (JSON object)

Contains information needed to launch a wallet payment page and returns the shopper details from the wallet.

Includes the following properties, depending on whether it is for Apple Pay on the web or Visa Checkout:

Apple Pay

Request - Create Wallet

Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
walletTypestringRequiredWallet type.
Value must be APPLE_PAY.
validationUrlstringRequiredThe URL used to validate the merchant's server.

Value is extracted from event.validationURL. See Apple Pay Guide.
domainNamestringRequiredMerchant's registered domain.
displayNamestringOptionalThe name displayed on Touch Bar of newer Macs.

Maximum 64 characters.

###Request - Onboard Apple Pay
Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
walletTypestringRequiredWallet type.
Value must be APPLE_PAY.
applePayobjectRequiredObject containing:
domains   array*  Required    Contains the domain names that will display the Apple Pay button (e.g. ["merchant.com", "bluesnap.com"]).

Note: Do not include https:// in the domain name

### Request - Update Apple Pay Onboarding Information
Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
walletTypestringRequiredWallet type.
Value must be APPLE_PAY.
applePayobjectRequiredObject containing:
domains   array  Optional    Contains the names of the domains to register.
unregisterDomains   array  Optional    Contains the names of the domains to unregister.

Note: Do not include https:// in the domain name

###Response - Create Wallet
Property NameTypeDescription
walletTypestringWallet type.
walletTokenstringToken for the wallet.

###Response - Update & Retrieve Apple Pay Onboarding Information
Property NameTypeDescription
walletTypestringWallet type.
applePayobjectObject containing:
domains   array*  Contains the domain names that will display the Apple Pay button (e.g. ["merchant.com", "bluesnap.com"]).

Visa Checkout

Request - Create Wallet

Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
walletTypestringRequiredWallet type.
Value must be VISA_CHECKOUT.
callIdstringRequiredThe ID returned from Visa Checkout on success event.
See Implementing Visa Checkout.

###Response - Create Wallet
Property NameTypeDescription
walletIdlongID associated with this wallet resource.
firstNamestringShopper's first name.
lastNamestringShopper's last name.
emailstringShopper's email.
countrystringShopper's country code.
See Country codes.
phonestringShopper's phone number.
creditCardobjectContains creditCard properties.
billingContactInfoobjectContainer of billingContactInfo properties.
shippingContactInfoobjectContainer of shippingContactInfo properties.

###Response - Retrieve Wallet
Property NameTypeDescription
firstNamestringShopper's first name.
lastNamestringShopper's last name.
emailstringShopper's email.
countrystringShopper's country code.
See Country codes.
phonestringShopper's phone number.
creditCardobjectContainer of creditCard properties.
billingContactInfoobjectContainer of billingContactInfo properties.
shippingContactInfoobjectContainer of shippingContactInfo properties.