Retrieve Account Updater



The Retrieve Account Updater request gets results about a previously submitted Create Account Updater request, including information about the credit card accounts that were updated. The results will be ready 5-6 days after the initial Create Account Updater request, and will be available for 45 days. If the process is not complete, you will receive a message saying the file is not yet available (details below).


The Retrieve Account Updater request should be submitted 5-6 days after the initial Create Account Updater request. Please note that card updates are not available in sandbox.

Request Content

Enter the account-update-batch-id into the web service URL, in the format:

For example:

Response Details

If successful, the response HTTP status code is 200 OK.
The response contains the retrieved batch-account-update resource (see batch-account-update) with the request properties, plus these additions for each account update resource:

Account Updater Response Codes and Messages

  • 500 The account number was changed. Submit the account number returned in the completion response.
  • 501 The account was closed. Contact the cardholder for updated information.
  • 502 The expiration date was changed. Submit the expiration date returned in the completion response.
  • 503 The issuing bank does not participate in the update program. Submit the original card information.
  • 504 Contact the cardholder for updated information. Contact the cardholder for updated information.
  • 505 No match found. Submit the original card information.
  • 506 No changes found. Submit the original card information.
  • 507 The cardholder has opted out of the update program.

Response if Account Update processing is not yet complete
If processing is not yet complete, you will receive the following response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<batch-account-update xmlns="">
  <response-message>The account update file for batch Id {batchId} is not ready yet. Please try again later.</response-message>


Request Example

curl -v -X GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ='

Response Example

HTTP/ 1.1 200 OK

<batch-account-update xmlns="">
    <response-message>Merchant Fiscal Day: 12132004</response-message>
        <update-response-message>No changes found</update-response-message>
        <update-response-message>The expiration date was changed</update-response-message>
        <update-response-message>The account number was changed</update-response-message>

Example Description

Above is an example request. Note that no XML content is required in the request body. You simply need to include the account-update-batch-id in the request URL. This the unique ID sent in the the account-update-batch-id property in the initial Create Account Updater request.

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