Get Report Data



Use this GET request to retrieve report data in either JSON or CSV format.

Request Content

This is the basic request format for each BlueSnap environment:

  • Sandbox:{report_code}?{parameters}
  • Production:{report_code}?{parameters}

Insert the report code for the type of report that you want to retrieve, plus the relevant parameters.

For example:


Report Availablity

There is currently a time delay of 2–3 hours for report data, meaning that you will not see data for transactions that took place within the last 3 hours.



Parsing report data
Parse report data based on parameter name to ensure your integration continues to work properly when reports are updated (such as when the parameter order changes). This is because parameters are never renamed or removed.

Parsing by parameter name is especially important if you get report data in CSV format.

Retrieving payout reports for reconciliation
Retrieve the Payout Detail and Payout Summary reports after you receive the payout IPN, as the IPN is sent when your deposits have been finalized.

Report codes

These are the supported report types. In the request, include the code for the report you want to retrieve.

Report codeDescription
AccountBalanceProvides details about your current account balance (amount that has not been paid out yet), including payout currency(ies), gross and net amounts, and more. Learn more.
ActiveSubscriptionsProvides details about active subscriptions, such as the next charge date, Subscription ID, and shopper info. Learn more.
AddCardAttemptsProvides the results of all card addition and update attempts. Learn more
AU_BluesnapVaultCardsProvides the results of your Account Updater requests. This report is designed for merchants who use BlueSnap's card vault to store credit card numbers. Learn more.
AU_MerchantVaultCardsProvides the results of your Account Updater requests. This report is designed for merchants who vault credit card numbers on their own servers. Learn more.
BalanceDetailProvides transaction-level detail for all the transactions included in your account balance. Learn more.
CanceledSubscriptionsProvides a list of canceled subscriptions that include the plan, shopper, and cancellation details. Learn more.
ChargeBacksDisplays all chargebacks and chargeback related data. Learn more.
DeclinedAuthFeesProvides a list of all declined authorizations and the fees for those that have been charged. Learn more.
DeclinedTransactionsProvides a list of declined credit and debit card transactions with decline reason, payment details, and shopper information. Learn more.
DirectDebitProvides a list of all ACH / Electronic Check and SEPA Direct Debit transactions. Use this report to track the invoice status from Pending to Approved or Canceled. Learn more.
PayoutDetailProvides details about the transactions included in BlueSnap deposits to your account.
Learn more.
PayoutSummaryHelps you reconcile your gross sales to the amount deposited into your bank account for each payout currency. It also itemizes all processing fees, non-processing fees, and other adjustments to your account. Learn more.
PayoutSummaryStatementAccess summary reports from past payout cycles to view details such as sales, refunds, fees, and more. Learn more.
RecurringChargesProvides details about all the recurring charges that were attempted. Learn more.
RunningBalanceProvides a detailed list of all events and how they affect your balance. Allows you to see a snapshot of your balance in real time, at any chosen point in time, or within a chosen date range. Learn more.
StoppedFraudProvides details about transactions that were declined because of your fraud rules or BlueSnap's fraud detection logic. Learn more.
TransactionDetailProvides details about each transaction, including shopper info, payment details, subscription info and more. Learn more.
VendorDetailsProvides account details for each of the vendors in your marketplace. Learn more.

Query parameters

These are the supported query parameters per report type.

ParameterValueExampleReport Types
accountIdBlueSnap account ID assigned to the shopperaccountId=27418741RecurringCharges
accountUpdaterStatusA (acknowledged)
C (completed)

By default, both A and C are returned.

By default, all charges are returned.
contractsNumber or a comma‑separated list of numbers

If not defined, data is returned for all contracts under the specified product

To use this, you must also include the products parameter
currencyThree‑letter currency code (uppercase)currency=USDActiveSubscriptions
excludeZeroWhether to exclude zero value orders.

0 (default) - Do not exclude
1 - Exclude
formatjson (default)

csv (not applicable to PayoutSummaryStatement)

html (only applicable to PayoutSummaryStatement)
format=csvAll reports
fraudDeclineReason3D Secure
Custom Decline Threshold
Custom Review Threshold
Decline Fraud Rules
Fraud Check Error
Review Fraud Rules
Allows you to to filter the report by the transaction time (in PST). Default values for from_time and to_time are 00:00:00 and 23:59:59, respectively.period=CUSTOM &from_date=07/01/2020&from_time=05:25:02 &to_date=07/31/2020&to_time=23:55:58TransactionDetail
merchantBatchIdA merchant generated alphanumeric stringmerchantBatchId=B_12ed121aaAU_MerchantVaultCards
merchantUpdaterIdA merchant generated alphanumeric stringmerchantUpdaterId=4564106_1AU_MerchantVaultCards
pageSizeNumber of rows in the response page.

If not specified, each page contains a maximum of 10,000 rows

Relevant only for the first page call
Stopped Fraud
paymentTypeScreen the sales by the payment method:

DeclinedTransactions report
Apple Pay
Credit Card

TransactionDetail report
Apple Pay
Boleto Bancario
Business Check
Cashier Check
Credit Card
Direct Debit
Electronic Check
GlobalCollect Cheque
Google Pay Tokenized Card
Local Bank Transfer
Money Order
Offline Electronic Check
Online banking
Personal Check
Purchase Order
SEPA Direct Debit
Skrill (Moneybookers)
Wire Transfer
paymentType=Credit CardDeclinedTransactions
payoutCurrency3‑digit code of the currency of the bank account where you receive proceeds from the transaction.payoutCurrency=USDBalanceDetail
required for PayoutSummaryStatement; Optional otherwise
A BlueSnap assigned value identifying the payout cyclepayoutCycle=2016D303DeclinedAuthFees
payoutPlannedDateThe date a payment is expected to be initiated according to your payout schedule. If the Planned Date falls on a weekend or bank holiday, the payment is initiated on the next business day.payoutPlannedDate=11%2F15%2F2020BalanceDetail

required; Optional for BalanceDetail, PayoutDetail, and PayoutSummaryStatement
CUSTOM — For a custom period, you must also include the from_date and to_date parameters (format is MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY‑MM‑DD)
NEXT_MONTH — Only applicable to PayoutSummary

productsNumber or a comma‑separated list of numbers

If not defined, data is returned for all products
typeOfTransactionCard Verification
Free Trial
Subscription Free Trial
Subscription Recurring Charge
Subscription Retry

If not defined, data is returned for all transaction types.
forvendoridVendor ID, a unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each Marketplace vendor.

Parameter is used to retrieve account balance and payout details for vendor.
forvendorid=513499All Reports
vendorVendor ID, a unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each Marketplace vendor.vendor=123456ActiveSubscriptions
vendorStatusVendor's account status. If not defined, data is returned for all statuses.



Pagination is supported. See Report Pagination for full details.

Response Details

If successful, the HTTP status code is 200 OK. The report data is included in the data property. For details on any of the report parameters, see BlueSnap Reporting.

Error Handling
For information about possible errors, see Errors.

Back to Top


Request Examples

curl -v -X GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ='
curl -v -X GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ='
curl -v -X GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ='
###Response Examples
    "data": [
            "Invoice ID": "1019500824",
            "Original Invoice ID": "1019500824",
            "Merchant Transaction ID": "",
            "PayPal Transaction ID": "",
            "Transaction Type": "Sale",
            "Transaction Date": "09/26/2019",
            "Transaction Time (PST)": "04:00:16",
            "Purchase Date": "",
            "Payment ID": "2019W39",
            "Refund / Chargeback Reason": "",
            "Product": "One-Time Product",
            "Product ID": "432949",
            "Contract": "subscription test contract",
            "Contract ID": "2337423",
            "SKU Type": "Recurring contract",
            "Payment Frequency": "Monthly",
            "Recurring Cycle Group": "Recurring",
            "Recurring Cycle Number": "28",
            "Payment Type": "Credit Card",
            "Card Network": "Visa",
            "Qty": "1",
            "BIN Country": "UNITED STATES",
            "BIN Issuer Organization": "JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.",
            "Regulated Issuer": "Y",
            "BIN Number": "411111",
            "BIN Card Type": "CREDIT",
            "Last 4 Digits": "1111",
            "Expiration Date": "01/2021",
            "Auth. Currency": "USD",
            "Merchant Sales (Auth Currency)": "25.00",
            "BlueSnap Processing Fees (USD)": "1.75",
            "PayPal Processing Fees (USD)": "0.00",
            "Vat / Tax": "0.00",
            "Merchant Base Currency": "USD",
            "Merchant Sales (Base Currency)": "25.00",
            "Coupon Code": "",
            "Shopper ID": "21858491",
            "Shopper First Name": "TestVaultedShopper",
            "Shopper Last Name": "TVS",
            "Shopper Email": "[email protected]",
            "PayPal Email": "",
            "Shopper Country": "Israel",
            "Shopper State": "",
            "Company Name": "",
            "Vendor / Affiliate ID": "",
            "Vendor / Affiliate Name": "",
            "Vendor / Affiliate Commission (Auth. Currency)": "0.00",
            "Soft Descriptor": "daniel_bluesnap",
            "3DS Authentication": "No",
            "Custom Field 1": "",
            "Custom Field 2": "",
            "Custom Field 3": "",
            "Custom Field 4": "",
            "Custom Field 5": "",
            "Custom Field 6": "",
            "Custom Field 7": "",
            "Custom Field 8": "",
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            "Custom Field 10": "",
            "Custom Field 11": "",
            "Custom Field 12": "",
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            "Custom Field 14": "",
            "Custom Field 15": "",
            "Custom Field 16": "",
            "Custom Field 17": "",
            "Custom Field 18": "",
            "Custom Field 19": "",
            "Custom Field 20": "",
            "Custom Field 21": "",
            "Custom Field 22": "",
            "Custom Field 23": "",
            "Custom Field 24": "",
            "Custom Field 25": "",
            "Custom Field 26": "",
            "Custom Field 27": "",
            "Custom Field 28": "",
            "Custom Field 29": "",
            "Custom Field 30": ""
            "Invoice ID": "1019492568",
            "Original Invoice ID": "1019492568",
            "Merchant Transaction ID": "",
            "PayPal Transaction ID": "",
            "Transaction Type": "Sale",
            "Transaction Date": "09/25/2019",
            "Transaction Time (PST)": "02:01:11",
            "Purchase Date": "",
            "Payment ID": "2019W39",
            "Refund / Chargeback Reason": "",
            "Product": "Adam example",
            "Product ID": "472081",
            "Contract": "subscription 1000",
            "Contract ID": "2423381",
            "SKU Type": "Recurring contract",
            "Payment Frequency": "Monthly",
            "Recurring Cycle Group": "Recurring",
            "Recurring Cycle Number": "12",
            "Payment Type": "Credit Card",
            "Card Network": "Visa",
            "Qty": "1",
            "BIN Country": "UNITED STATES",
            "BIN Issuer Organization": "JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.",
            "Regulated Issuer": "Y",
            "BIN Number": "411111",
            "BIN Card Type": "CREDIT",
            "Last 4 Digits": "1111",
            "Expiration Date": "01/2022",
            "Auth. Currency": "USD",
            "Merchant Sales (Auth Currency)": "12.43",
            "BlueSnap Processing Fees (USD)": "1.12",
            "PayPal Processing Fees (USD)": "0.00",
            "Vat / Tax": "0.00",
            "Merchant Base Currency": "USD",
            "Merchant Sales (Base Currency)": "12.43",
            "Coupon Code": "",
            "Shopper ID": "23198705",
            "Shopper First Name": "daniel",
            "Shopper Last Name": "millar",
            "Shopper Email": "[email protected]",
            "PayPal Email": "",
            "Shopper Country": "Israel",
            "Shopper State": "",
            "Company Name": "",
            "Vendor / Affiliate ID": "",
            "Vendor / Affiliate Name": "",
            "Vendor / Affiliate Commission (Auth. Currency)": "0.00",
            "Soft Descriptor": "daniel_bluesnap",
            "3DS Authentication": "No",
            "Custom Field 1": "",
            "Custom Field 2": "",
            "Custom Field 3": "",
            "Custom Field 4": "",
            "Custom Field 5": "",
            "Custom Field 6": "",
            "Custom Field 7": "",
            "Custom Field 8": "",
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            "Custom Field 10": "",
            "Custom Field 11": "",
            "Custom Field 12": "",
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            "Custom Field 14": "",
            "Custom Field 15": "",
            "Custom Field 16": "",
            "Custom Field 17": "",
            "Custom Field 18": "",
            "Custom Field 19": "",
            "Custom Field 20": "",
            "Custom Field 21": "",
            "Custom Field 22": "",
            "Custom Field 23": "",
            "Custom Field 24": "",
            "Custom Field 25": "",
            "Custom Field 26": "",
            "Custom Field 27": "",
            "Custom Field 28": "",
            "Custom Field 29": "",
            "Custom Field 30": ""
            "Invoice ID": "1019475930",
            "Original Invoice ID": "1019475930",
            "Merchant Transaction ID": "",
            "PayPal Transaction ID": "",
            "Transaction Type": "Sale",
            "Transaction Date": "09/23/2019",
            "Transaction Time (PST)": "22:49:19",
            "Purchase Date": "",
            "Payment ID": "2019W39",
            "Refund / Chargeback Reason": "",
            "Product": "test product API",
            "Product ID": "10299448",
            "Contract": "Standard monthly SUB - API test",
            "Contract ID": "12151480",
            "SKU Type": "Recurring contract",
            "Payment Frequency": "Monthly",
            "Recurring Cycle Group": "Recurring",
            "Recurring Cycle Number": "30",
            "Payment Type": "Credit Card",
            "Card Network": "Visa",
            "Qty": "1",
            "BIN Country": "UNITED STATES",
            "BIN Issuer Organization": "JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.",
            "Regulated Issuer": "Y",
            "BIN Number": "411111",
            "BIN Card Type": "CREDIT",
            "Last 4 Digits": "1111",
            "Expiration Date": "09/2019",
            "Auth. Currency": "USD",
            "Merchant Sales (Auth Currency)": "25.00",
            "BlueSnap Processing Fees (USD)": "1.75",
            "PayPal Processing Fees (USD)": "0.00",
            "Vat / Tax": "0.00",
            "Merchant Base Currency": "USD",
            "Merchant Sales (Base Currency)": "25.00",
            "Coupon Code": "",
            "Shopper ID": "29563424",
            "Shopper First Name": "John",
            "Shopper Last Name": "Doe",
            "Shopper Email": "[email protected]",
            "PayPal Email": "",
            "Shopper Country": "United States",
            "Shopper State": "CA",
            "Company Name": "JohnDoeAndSons",
            "Vendor / Affiliate ID": "",
            "Vendor / Affiliate Name": "",
            "Vendor / Affiliate Commission (Auth. Currency)": "0.00",
            "Soft Descriptor": "DANIEL_BLUESNAP",
            "3DS Authentication": "No",
            "Custom Field 1": "",
            "Custom Field 2": "",
            "Custom Field 3": "",
            "Custom Field 4": "",
            "Custom Field 5": "",
            "Custom Field 6": "",
            "Custom Field 7": "",
            "Custom Field 8": "",
            "Custom Field 9": "",
            "Custom Field 10": "",
            "Custom Field 11": "",
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            "Custom Field 13": "",
            "Custom Field 14": "",
            "Custom Field 15": "",
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            "Custom Field 17": "",
            "Custom Field 18": "",
            "Custom Field 19": "",
            "Custom Field 20": "",
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            "Custom Field 22": "",
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            "Custom Field 24": "",
            "Custom Field 25": "",
            "Custom Field 26": "",
            "Custom Field 27": "",
            "Custom Field 28": "",
            "Custom Field 29": "",
            "Custom Field 30": ""
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            "css": "",
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            "group": "",
            "id": 8357,
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            "withTotal": false
            "css": "",
            "currencyColumnId": 0,
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            "group": "",
            "id": 8359,
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            "type": "STRING",
            "withTotal": false
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    "title": "Transaction Details",
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    "date_range": "09/22/2019 - 09/28/2019"
"Transaction Details"
"Results for 09/01/2019 - 09/30/2019"

"Report parameters:"
"Merchant Id=523585"

"Invoice ID","Original Invoice ID","Merchant Transaction ID","PayPal Transaction ID","Transaction Type","Transaction Date","Transaction Time (PST)","Purchase Date","Payment ID","Refund / Chargeback Reason","Product","Product ID","Contract","Contract ID","SKU Type","Payment Frequency","Recurring Cycle Group","Recurring Cycle Number","Payment Type","Card Network","Qty","BIN Country","BIN Issuer Organization","Regulated Issuer","BIN Number","BIN Card Type","Last 4 Digits","Expiration Date","Auth. Currency","Merchant Sales (Auth Currency)","BlueSnap Processing Fees (USD)","PayPal Processing Fees (USD)","Vat / Tax","Merchant Base Currency","Merchant Sales (Base Currency)","Coupon Code","Shopper ID","Shopper First Name","Shopper Last Name","Shopper Email","PayPal Email","Shopper Country","Shopper State","Company Name","Vendor / Affiliate ID","Vendor / Affiliate Name","Vendor / Affiliate Commission (Auth. Currency)","Soft Descriptor","3DS Authentication","Custom Field 1","Custom Field 2","Custom Field 3","Custom Field 4","Custom Field 5","Custom Field 6","Custom Field 7","Custom Field 8","Custom Field 9","Custom Field 10","Custom Field 11","Custom Field 12","Custom Field 13","Custom Field 14","Custom Field 15","Custom Field 16","Custom Field 17","Custom Field 18","Custom Field 19","Custom Field 20","Custom Field 21","Custom Field 22","Custom Field 23","Custom Field 24","Custom Field 25","Custom Field 26","Custom Field 27","Custom Field 28","Custom Field 29","Custom Field 30"
"1019523676","1019523676","","","Sale","09/30/2019","01:00:46","","","","test product API","10299448","Standard monthly SUB - API test","12151480","Recurring contract","Monthly","Recurring","27","Credit Card","Visa","1","UNITED STATES","JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.","Y","411111","CREDIT","1111","01/2021","USD","25.00","1.75","0.00","0.00","USD","25.00","","21937075","Daniel","Millar","[email protected]","","Israel","","","","","0.00","DANIEL_BLUESNAP","No","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"1019500824","1019500824","","","Sale","09/26/2019","04:00:16","","2019W39","","One-Time Product","432949","subscription test contract","2337423","Recurring contract","Monthly","Recurring","28","Credit Card","Visa","1","UNITED STATES","JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.","Y","411111","CREDIT","1111","01/2021","USD","25.00","1.75","0.00","0.00","USD","25.00","","21858491","TestVaultedShopper","TVS","[email protected]","","Israel","","","","","0.00","daniel_bluesnap","No","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"1019492568","1019492568","","","Sale","09/25/2019","02:01:11","","2019W39","","Adam example","472081","subscription 1000","2423381","Recurring contract","Monthly","Recurring","12","Credit Card","Visa","1","UNITED STATES","JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.","Y","411111","CREDIT","1111","01/2022","USD","12.43","1.12","0.00","0.00","USD","12.43","","23198705","daniel","millar","[email protected]","","Israel","","","","","0.00","daniel_bluesnap","No","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"1019475930","1019475930","","","Sale","09/23/2019","22:49:19","","2019W39","","test product API","10299448","Standard monthly SUB - API test","12151480","Recurring contract","Monthly","Recurring","30","Credit Card","Visa","1","UNITED STATES","JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.","Y","411111","CREDIT","1111","09/2019","USD","25.00","1.75","0.00","0.00","USD","25.00","","29563424","John","Doe","[email protected]","","United States","CA","JohnDoeAndSons","","","0.00","DANIEL_BLUESNAP","No","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"1025470089","1025470089","","","Sale","09/20/2019","00:00:49","","2019W38","","One-Time Product","432949","subscription 2 test","2337425","Recurring contract","Monthly","Recurring","30","Credit Card","Discover","1","","","","601155","","9458","12/2021","USD","23.00","1.65","0.00","0.00","USD","23.00","","21729891","John","Doe","                [email protected]","","United States","CA","JohnDoeAndSons","","","0.00","daniel_bluesnap","No","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"1025406399","1025406399","","","Sale","09/18/2019","06:00:24","","2019W38","","Adam example","472081","subscription 1000","2423381","Recurring contract","Monthly","Recurring","11","Credit Card","Visa","3","UNITED STATES","JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.","Y","411111","CREDIT","1111","01/2022","USD","37.35","2.37","0.00","0.00","USD","37.35","","23298117","bla","blabla","[email protected]","","United States","CA","","","","0.00","daniel_bluesnap","No","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"1025314601","1025314601","","","Sale","09/14/2019","02:00:34","","2019W38","","Subscriptions","10299442","subscription product 2","2388011","Recurring contract","Monthly","Recurring","20","Credit Card","Visa","1","UNITED STATES","JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.","Y","411111","CREDIT","1111","01/2022","USD","1.00","0.55","0.00","0.00","USD","1.00","","22417205","Daniel","Millar","[email protected]","","Israel","","","","","0.00","daniel_bluesnap","No","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"1019429504","1019429504","","","Sale","09/03/2019","22:00:26","","2019W38","","One-Time Product","432949","subscription test contract","2337423","Recurring contract","Monthly","Recurring","29","Credit Card","Visa","1","UNITED STATES","JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.","Y","411111","CREDIT","1111","01/2021","ILS","92.67","1.75","0.00","0.00","USD","25.00","","21747437","Daniel new","new name","[email protected]","","Israel","","","","","0.00","daniel_bluesnap","No","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
  "data": [
      "Currency": "USD",
      "Total of Gross Amount": "57,622.63",
      "Total of Commission Amount": "-1,864.41",
      "Affiliates Amount": "0.00",
      "Total of Net Amount": "55,758.22",
      "Total of Paid by 3rd Party": "-13,227.74",
      "Total of Payout Adjustment Amount": "0.00",
      "Account Balance": "42,530.48"
  "title": "Account Balance",
  "params": [
      "name": "Period",
      "value": "THIS_MONTH"
      "name": "Merchant Id",
      "value": "391328"
  "date_range": "01/01/2017 - 01/24/2017"

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