Every API request must be authenticated using a HTTP Basic Authentication header, as follows:
Authorization: Basic {Base64 encoding of 'username:password'}
Only 1 space is allowed after the "Basic" prefix and before you add the Base64 encoding. The use of additional spaces results in a transaction failure.
For example:
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
The username and password can be found in the Merchant Portal, under Settings > API Settings. To get your credentials, refer to API credentials.
Content type
Every Payment API request must specify the relevant content type, as follows:
- For JSON:
Content-Type: application/json
- For XML:
Content-Type: application/xml
In the Payment API, we support versions 3.0, 2.0, and 1.0. You can specify the API version, as follows:
bluesnap-version: 3.0
If you do not specify a version, it is automatically defined for you based on your account settings.
The differences between versions are as follows:
- Version 3.0: Functionality was added to support Multiple ACH accounts for vaulted shoppers.
- Version 2.0: Functionality was added to Create Vaulted Shopper and Update Vaulted Shopper requests.